Family Nurse Practitioner-Northeast Ohio


Multi Specialty group is seeking an FNP to work with two other Family Practice physicians in a very high volume practice. There are thirty two members in the group, fourteen are primary care. There is a Hospitalist group that handles all inpatient care in the 249 bed not for profit hospital.

Call coverage is 1:6 with phone coverage only and physician support.

Qualified applicants must have completed a Nurse Practitioner training program, have certification and Ohio licensure and current BLS.


The community is located fifty miles east of Cleveland and forty miles west of Erie, PA. This is a beautiful lake front community with many marinas, beaches, yacht clubs, and golf courses. The area is surrounded by the Grand River Valley grape growing region where 65% of the grapes in Ohio are grown. There are many wineries and 16 covered bridges. If you are looking for a community with four season recreation and Midwestern charm, this town is a must see!


For more information contact Durham Medical Staffing 716.684.3333 x210 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Мастера "скачать игры и регистрации без ключ" Синанджу служили им, и потому я не смею говорить о них дурно, хотя и уважаю ваше стремление защитить от них то, что по праву принадлежит вам.

И здесь, на плoту, так же как на палубе невольничьего судна, Легро все еще сохранял какую-то роковую власть над матросами.

И даже ни одного отставшего солдата!

Это был призыв кому-то, живущему за пределами нашей Вселенной.

Удивленный взгляд собеседника заставил ее замолчать.

К его большой радости, оказалось, что это смена караула.